Current Volunteers

Volunteers at Newfields have access to view and manage their own schedules, sign up for open opportunities, report additional hours as needed, print schedules, update personal information, and receive news and messages from the volunteer office. The Volunteer Information Center is the one place you can go to see all the new volunteer opportunities that are available at the museum from the comfort of home. Join our Volunteer Facebook group to connect with other volunteers and to stay in-the-know about volunteer opportunities, special events, and important news.



Volunteer Time Clock

Volunteer FAQ

Volunteer Handbook


Video Tutorials on Volgistics

VicNet Video Tuturial: Volunteer Guide for New VicNet

VicTouch Video Tutorial: Using Volgistics at Newfields

Volgistics Video Tutorial: Using Volgistics from a Home Computer

Join our Volunteer Facebook group to connect with other volunteers and to stay in-the-know about volunteer opportunities, special events, and important news.

For half a century, Robert Indiana’s LOVE has been the he(art) of Newfields collection. And there is a whole lot to love.