Members Only Talk:
The Colorful Chemistry of Artists’ Pigments
Members Only Talk: The Colorful Chemistry of Artists’ Pigments
5 PM
The artist’s continual search for color has led to a veritable rainbow of hues acquired from some of the oddest places. Plants, animals, minerals, and synthetic chemicals have all been utilized as sources of paints and dyes. Join Dr. Gregory Smith, the Otto N. Frenzel III Senior Conservation Scientist, to hear the colorful stories surrounding the discovery and use of pigments by important artists. Whether you're interested in science or prefer the arts, this talk is sure to captivate your mind and imagination. Afterward, be sure to head up to the IMA Galleries to see the array of colors firsthand.
Thursday, May 30, 2024
DeBoest Lecture Hall at Newfields
Free for members / Includes general admission
Advance registration recommended