Recycling and Consumption Reduction

Waste Diversion and Reduction 

Waste diversion initiatives at Newfields have led to staggering amounts of material recycled annually. In 2023 a waste audit was performed of the Indianapolis Museum of Art and the Café at Newfields to determine our progress on diverting the amount of waste sent to the landfill.

On average: 

  • The IMA at Newfields recycles 28.6% of its waste. 

  • The Café at Newfields recycles 29.5% of its waste. 

Recycling has been successful for both guests and staff, however, Newfields strives to continue diverting waste from the landfill. Our goal is zero waste (less than 10% of waste going to landfill) by 2028. Efforts are being made to increase the amount of waste diverted while working on reducing the waste generated on site.  

  • Paper Use—Newfields prefers vendors who use “green” practices.

    • Additionally, the IMA at Newfields has taken steps to reduce paper use by relying more heavily on the website to disseminate information about programming.

    • In the administrative offices, staff are encouraged to print documents only when necessary, and to use double-sided printing whenever possible.

    • In addition, thousands of pages of paper are saved every year by electronically sending meeting notices and other communications instead of printing them.

    • Newfields also uses a digital fax number, which allows incoming faxes to be routed to staff via e-mail rather than paper. 

  • Compost Initiatives—Newfields has an interest in supporting city wide initiatives to implement a large-scale composting program.

    • Data from the waste audit shows that once composting is available the IMA at Newfields would be able to send 55% while the Café  at Newfieldscould send 78% of its waste to a recycling or composting facility.  

Updated August 2023 


Newfields will be open from 11 AM – 5 PM on Thursday, July 4, in celebration of Independence Day and Free First Thursday. This is going to be a busy day! We highly recommend you reserve your tickets in advance as we expect to sell out.