Step into the Seasons of Japan

Step into the Seasons of Japan
Museum Hours

Step into the Seasons of Japan invites guests into an immersive, interactive, multi-sensory experience. This fun, mesmerizing installation was created by a cross-departmental team to introduce guests to the four seasons of the Japanese landscape. Upon entering the gallery, they will be greeted by the fragrance of traditional plant life, followed by a peer out the window from a Japanese interior. Approaching a touch screen, guests will unlock the magic of Teika’s Poems for the Twelve Months, a living painting. Guests can trigger surprising animations and sounds like birds chirping, snow falling, and boats rowing. Step into the Japanese landscape, then return to see, smell and taste the many offerings of Seasons of Japan at Newfields. This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.

February 22 – December 8
Indianapolis Museum of Art Galleries at Newfields
Included with admission


Step Into the Seasons of Japan is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. 





Lead support for Seasons of Japan educational programs is provided by Honda Manufacturing of Indiana.



Tosa Mitsunari, Teika’s Poems for the Twelve Months (detail), 1646–1710. Gift of the Alliance of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Spurlock Fund, 2000.9.