Indiana Women in the Arts Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon

Indiana Women in the Arts Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon
10 AM-3 PM

Indiana women’s contributions to the arts have often been left out of the historical narrative. Let’s work together to correct that! Join us for a Wikipedia workshop and edit-a-thon. Participants will learn how to edit Wikipedia articles and have access to the Stout Reference Library’s collection of books, databases, and subject files to find information about Hoosier women artists. Lunch will be provided. Participation is free but registration is required. This event is presented by Newfields in partnership with IUPUI University Library, with support from the Central Indiana Community Foundation.  



March 17, 2023
Indianapolis Museum of Art Galleries at Newfields
Free but registration is required
Stout Reference Library at the Indianapolis Museum of Art
For half a century, Robert Indiana’s LOVE has been the he(art) of Newfields collection. And there is a whole lot to love.