Hello Spring

Hello Spring
Museum Hours

This spring you’ll see more flowers in a single stroll than you can anywhere else. Also, if your interest in flowers turns out to have limits, there’s always art in the IMA Galleries and beer in the Beer Garden.  Now open ’til 8 pm Thursday through Saturday— because nature works overtime in spring.

Exotic, traditional, the fresh, the familiar, still life, real life—it’s in the IMA Galleries, The Garden and Fairbanks Park. Hello Spring at Newfields, where a quarter of a million flowers will be arriving in stages through May, including different kinds of tulips you didn’t even know existed. Visit now, before it changes again.

Support provided by Charles Venable and Martin Webb, Total Lawn Care, the Bud Brehob Family, Cathy and Bob Turner and Gene and Patty Wilkins.

April - May 2018
Included with Admission
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Open for the season

Beer Garden

Beer Garden at the Greenhouse
Museum Hours

Admiring all this art and nature can make a person thirsty.

Swiss, watch (in the form of a scarab beetle) (detail), 1830-1860. Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields, Ruth Allison Lilly Watch Collection, 73.70.38.

Snail, blue. Image courtesy of Cracking Art.

Bes-Ben (American, 1898–1988), hat (bullfighters), 1950s, cotton, wool, silk, synthetic fibers, animal hide, metal, wood, plastic, 8-1/4 × 9 in. Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields, Gift of the Alliance of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, 2008.14 © Bes-Ben.

Newfields will be closed from January 20-26 for Rest & Refresh and will reopen with regular hours on Tuesday, January 28. The Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park is always open from dawn to dusk. Rest & Refresh is a moment to reset after a busy holiday season and prepare to welcome guests back to Newfields for a transformational spring.