Design Gallery

Design Gallery

The Indianapolis Museum of Art’s 11,000-square-foot Design Gallery is the largest collection gallery devoted to modern and contemporary design of any museum in the country. This summer, the gallery reopens with a thematic reinterpretation that offers fresh insights into the versatile design process—from inspiration to production. A rotation of more than 150 new objects will be on display, many of which are recent acquisitions being shown for the first time. Newfields’ famed Miller House and Garden assumes a greater presence in the gallery with a fully immersive virtual reality experience. This joins several other new interactive spaces, including an 800-square-foot Design Lab where guests can design prototypes using analog and digital tools and try out some of the furniture on display.

Open now
Indianapolis Museum of Art Galleries at Newfields
Please pardon the petals! Florists are working hard installing masterpieces for Art in Bloom Monday, March 17 through Wednesday, March 19. Want to join us for Art in Bloom March 20—23? Secure your tickets today!