Cereal Cinema: The Book of Life

Cereal Cinema: The Book of Life
Showing at 10 AM / Doors open at 9:30 AM

Cereal Cinema combines two of the best things about Saturday mornings: cereal and a great movie.  

When ruler of the Land of the Remembered, La Muerte, and ruler of the Land of the Forgotten, Xibalba, see friends Manolo and Joaquin competing for the affection of Maria, they strike a wager on the outcome. When Xibalba cheats and sends a snake to bite Maria, Manolo believes her dead and allows himself to be bitten to be reunited with her. Journeying through the Land of the Remembered, Manolo meets the keeper of the Book of Life and learns he can rewrite his story. 

September 17, 2022
The Tobias Theater at Newfields
$6 for ages 6 and up / Free for ages 5 and younger
Includes cereal buffet

The Book of Life, 2014. Directed by Jorge R. Gutiérrez. © Twentieth Century Fox and Reel FX Creative Studios. 

For half a century, Robert Indiana’s LOVE has been the he(art) of Newfields collection. And there is a whole lot to love.