Future Now: Virtual Sneakers to Cutting-Edge Kicks Playlist
This playlist celebrates the deep and enduring connection between sneaker culture and music. Curated by three talented DJs from Indianapolis, the selected tracks embody the energy and creativity that define both scenes. Godzillest, Lady Locs, and Ferris Booler have expertly crafted a sonic journey that beautifully complements the exhibition.
Listen to the Playlist
The Future is Now: SneakerFest is made possible due to the generous contributions of
The Alan and Linda Cohen Family Foundation
Sarah and John Lechleiter
Kathi and Bob Postlethwait
George Hill
John and Mary Katherine Lisher
Chris Sogard
Pacers Sports & Entertainment
Katie Betley
Herbert Simon Family Foundation
Brad and Theresa Warnecke
Charlie and Peggy Sutphin
Lily Pai
Alan and Maxine Henderson
Belinda Tate
Eric Logan
Robert Scheele
John Krauss and Marine Maxwell
Nancy and Jim Carpenter
Jrue Charity
Kit Clark Moorman and Chris Moorman
Barbara and Richard Leventhal
Toni and Bob Bader
Monna Quinn and David Spoelstra
Cape Fletch Associates
Michael Pettry and Ohn Mainella
Doug and Kari Singleton
Soni Eden
Katie and Scott Snider
Anne and Andrew Sellers
Shane Merriweather
Robert and Linda Yee
Michael, Franci, and Molly Skolnick
Milana Grozdanich
Michael Bilderback and Silvia Campos-Bilderback
Larry Smith
Ian Edington
Future Now: Virtual Sneakers to Cutting-Edge Kicks is co-organized by the American Federation of Arts and the Bata Shoe Museum. This exhibition is made possible by the generosity the Rachel M. Simon Fund, a Fund of The Indianapolis Foundation.
Jeff Staple x RTFKT, Meta-Pigeon K-Minus, 2021. Collection of the Bata Shoe Museum, gift of RTFKT. Courtesy American Federation of Arts and the Bata Shoe Museum.
This exhibition is made possible due to the generosity of the Rachel M. Simon Fund, a Fund of The Indianapolis Foundation and Barbara and Richard Leventhal.
The Future Now Shoe giveaway is made possible due to the generosity of John and Mary Katherine Lisher as well as John Krauss and Marnie Maxwell, Bradley and Theresa Warnecke, and Monica Quinn and David Spolestra.