The Garden
Dickinson Four Seasons Garden
open 11 AM - 5 PM

Named for the four putti statues representing each of the four seasons, this garden was designed by the firm of Haldeman and Leland during the Lilly family’s residency. Anne Bruce Haldeman and Louise Leland were two of the earliest female landscape architects in Kentucky.

This space directly adjacent to the Playhouse, the Lilly’s recreation building built in 1940, was originally created as a monochromatic green garden, which was very popular in landscape design at the time. Nestled among evergreen hedges rather than bright flowers, this garden emphasized form, texture, and seasonal change.

Over the decades, much more color has been added to the plantings, but the structured room-like feel remains.

Please pardon the petals! Florists are working hard installing masterpieces for Art in Bloom Monday, March 17 through Wednesday, March 19. Want to join us for Art in Bloom March 20—23? Secure your tickets today!