The Garden
Wood Formal Garden
open 11 AM - 5 PM

Cleverly sited as an extension of the house, the Wood Formal Garden has been part of the Oldfields estate since its inception. It was designed by the architect of the house, Lewis Ketcham Davis, when the home was built for the Landon family in 1913 and remained largely untouched during Percival Gallagher’s 1920s reimagining of the estate.

The low wall surrounding the space, symmetrical layout, and tightly trimmed hedges create structure that holds in brightly colored perennials and roses. White arbors mark the center of each side, framing a fountain.

Possibly its most romanticized use was as the site of the Landon sisters’ double wedding. Alice and Margaret married their husbands on June 2, 1920. The double wedding used this pathway, covered in white fabric, as its aisle to create a dramatic entrance for the young women. The areas directly surrounding the Formal Garden and Lilly House are popular spots for wedding ceremonies today as well.

The Wood Formal Garden is a colorful, intimate space to explore, filled with both seasonal and perennials plantings.

Please pardon the petals! Florists are working hard installing masterpieces for Art in Bloom Monday, March 17 through Wednesday, March 19. Want to join us for Art in Bloom March 20—23? Secure your tickets today!