
The Indianapolis Museum of Art Archives at Newfields collects, preserves, and makes accessible the historical records produced by Newfields and its predecessors, the John Herron Art Institute and the Art Association of Indianapolis. These records are made available for the administrative support of current institutional activities, the successful stewardship of the Indianapolis Museum of Art collections, and for historical research conducted by staff and the public.

Formally established in 2010, the Indianapolis Museum of Art Archives at Newfields is comprised of institutional records, manuscripts, personal papers, ephemera, scrapbooks, photographs, video and audio recordings, and artifacts that chronicle the history of the institution since its founding in 1883. In addition, the collection includes papers from individuals related to museum interests, such as trustees, former directors, curators and other staff; records of affiliated organizations such as art committees and the Alliance; primary research materials related to Newfields properties and art collections, such as the Miller House and Garden and Oldfields-Lilly House & Gardens; and archival material of Indiana artists and art organizations.


The library and archives are open to the public by appointment. 

Processed archival collections are available for research conducted by the public, by appointment during business hours, Tuesday through Friday. Please allow 1-2 business days for staff to prepare records for your visit. 



Staff members can provide limited reference services free of charge. For all reference requests, please fill out the Archives Reference/Appointment Request Form below.

For those unable to visit, staff can perform in-depth research in our collections for a fee of $45.00 per hour with a one-hour minimum. A list of professional researchers-for-hire is available upon request. All arrangements between the requester and a private researcher are the requester’s responsibility. 

Please see the Copying and Publishing page below for information on reproduction fees.

Archives Reference/Appointment Request Form
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Past Exhibitions


Access to past exhibition information is available in a comprehensive spreadsheet, 1883-2022, and through an archived copy of the IMA Museum Website, 2007-2017, which includes descriptions and may include images for 1996-2017 exhibitions.

Comprehensive Past Exhibitions, 1883-2022 

The archived website was made with open-source software and is publically accessible via Conifer, a project of Rhizome under its digital preservation program. An internet connection and current browser are required to access these records. If viewed online, no additional tools or software are needed. Contextual information for the archived website is available via a collection guide. Navigation and functionality information is available on the archived website landing page. Please contact the archives staff with questions (

Archived site, IMA Museum Website, 2007-2017 


Please pardon the petals! Florists are working hard installing masterpieces for Art in Bloom Monday, March 17 through Wednesday, March 19. Want to join us for Art in Bloom March 20—23? Secure your tickets today!